Monday, October 11, 2010

What do you do with a drunken sailor?

My friend Al Lewis of Dow Jones Newswires has used the term "Drunken Sailor" more than once in describing the free-spending ways of Congress.

I'm always amazed that so many people blame Presidents for fiscal woes when it's Congress that controls spending. Only Congress can pass spending legislation. Granted, this can come with the huge influence of the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania, but it's Congress who spends our money. Like drunken sailors.

So what should we do with all these drunken sailors? The famous sea shanty offers these suggestions:

1. Put them in a longboat 'till they're sober
2. Keep them there and make them bail her
3. Shave their bellies with a rusty razor
4. Put them in bed with the captain's daughter. (Or son as appropriate)

A 5th option certainly would be to throw the bums out. All of them. The system is broken and both political parties have equally contributed to the mess also known as Washington, DC.

What is it about the system that turns the Mr. or Ms. Smith's that go to Washington into Mr. or Ms. Hyde instead? The fact they have to spend most of their waking hours on the phone raising money instead of legislating certainly doesn't help.

But we're accountable as well. We get all involved during election cycles, then let the system work, or in this case, not work until the next cycle. President Reagan famously said, "Trust but verify." When it comes to sending people to Congress I say, "Vote but verify."

Pay attention to what our reprentatives are doing. (Or not doing) Follow the news, learn the issues and above all know the system of representative government. They're our employees. When their work doesn't meet expectations, let them know about it by phone, e-mail or knocking on their district doors.

Be involved 365 days a year. Not just a few days every two years.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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