Monday, October 18, 2010


My wife and I celebrate our 35th anniversary today. Actually we've celebrated already with a few trips this summer along with dinner this weekend but this is the official day.

My mom wrote a nice card and called it a milestone. 35 years is indeed that. But it's other milestones I think of more than years. Like the births of our two daughters, and how successful both have become. Then there's our two wonderful grandkids, the absolute joy of our lives.

My wife recently fought off cancer successfully and that was a true test and milestone.

We've had our ups and downs like any couple regardless of how many years they've been married. Life has taken us all over this country, but now travel is devoted as much as possible to just having fun.

She's also behind me all the way as I start Conversation Starters Public Relations. It's tough starting a business in this economy, but we're attracting quality clients and my wife is doing a grand job as usual managing the financial end of things.

Life was good 35 years ago. It's even better today. Make that great.

Milestones. Hope you enjoy the ones in your life as much as I do this day.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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