Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Thoughts

Lots of stuff on my mind today, (In no particular order of importance.)

Speaking of sports:
What a debacle at Invesco. I know, it's always darkest before the dawn but right now it sure is dark!

Baylor comes to Austin this Saturday. Baylor is ranked and bowl eligible. Texas is just rank. They're going to retire Colt McCoy's number at the game, here's hoping his replacement's got game.

The baseball season is too long. NHL and NBA seasons are underway before the World Series has even started.

Speaking of the economy:
"They" says the recession is over. I don't think the 17% of Americans not working or hardly working would agree.

What comes after Trillion? Gazillion? Because the ways things are going, we're going to need a new number to measure the deficit.

How can we expect to help countries like Haiti when 13 million American kids will go to bed hungry tonight?

Speaking of politics:
I get a kick out of candidates here in Colorado who wear cowboy hats and jeans in their campaign ads, pretending they're just like "us." Wonder what candidates in Florida wear? Shorts and flip-flops?

Why can't people vote online?

The Tea Party is here to stay. It's ever-morphing but with the constant and growing belief that government has failed us. We share in the blame. Too many of us believe what we see in attack ads, yet don't tune into the numerous televised or attend public debates.

Speaking of the new television season:
I love Hawaii 5-0. It's so outrageously over the top, with a great cast and it doesn't take itself too serously. The Good Wife remains intelligent, thoughtful dramatic television. Ditto for House and Blue Bloods. The CSI trilogy is getting tired. Weird plotlines. Still trying to get into The Event, but it's hard work.

Ok, I'm done thinking.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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