Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are you ready for this?

One of my favorite comic strips is "Zits" which follows the travails of a teenager named Jeremy. In today's strip he and a friend, while watching a television show on a laptop lamented the fact that Jeremy's parents still watched shows on a regular TV. How quaint!

Yesterday while attending a South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce event with a political candidate, I was using my iPad to "fact check" what was being said to us. It provided me the basis for at least one question. Another attendee was busy blogging it all on his laptop.

Watching TV, just not on a regular TV. Using an iPad at a political forum. Getting your local/national news weather and sports on your PDA. As I've blogged before, the information pipelines continue to grow, and the technology continues to empower you and me.

Remember the rock song lyrics "Are you ready for this?" (Believe it was done by a band named Jock Jams but don't hold me to it)

The question is a good one. Are you indeed ready for this? Are you ready to fully use this technology and all the pipelines to your advantage?

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We get the conversation started" (About you!)

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