Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tech evolving faster and faster....jump in quick!

South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce members were hosted today by Best Buy at their Park Meadows Store. Along with a nice breakfast, we were given a detailed briefing on "what's new" in technology.

It was impressive to say the least and I can't imagine any of us not being at least a little bit overwhelmed by it all.

One of the stops was seeing a demonstration of 3D HD Television. Unlike the transition from Standard Def to HD where the technology was in place before the programming, this time programmers like ESPN are driving the evolution with content.

Early adaptors already have forked out a couple of thousand dollars for a set, along with $150 for each set of 3D glasses. (Which require batteries) Then there's more for receivers, video players etc to watch what's available, not the least of which is World Cup Soccer. More programming will come and prices will go down so I'm sitting on the sideline and will watch TV in "good old fashioned" HD!

What did impress me is the incredible networking technology for devices like your PDA, iPad, Laptops, your existing screens and the like. For home or work, the opportunities to integrate all of them seamlessly, and to connect just as easily to friends or customers are endless.

I already use some of the technology, or today learned how to use it to more advantage.

At first glance, it can indeed be overwhelming but the key with all this is not to worry as much about how it works, but rather that it DOES work.

The only limits are your imagination and of course, budget. Regardless of whether you jump in, or simply dip your toe, do it. Embrace it.

Or be left behind.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC

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