Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Power of "Visual"

One of the first things a news producer thinks about, especially when bringing in someone for a guest segment is "Visual."

Here's a great definition:
"Any element of something that depends on sight; an image; a picture; a graphic; all the visual elements of a multi-media presentation or entertainment, usually in contrast with normal text or audio; a preliminary sketch; related to or affecting the vision."

Now for a great demonstration of using good visuals to communicate a message whether it be on a local or national program.

This week on the 4pm edition of KUSA 9News, the Western Dairy Association had some great ideas about healthy summer drinks for the entire family. To make their point about the huge amounts of sugar in soda drinks they had a 64 oz "Super Cup" on the set. Instead of soda, they poured out the actual amount of sugar you'd consume if you drank one of these monsters. The pile of sugar that came out was enough to put on your cereal for a month!

It was an impressive demonstration, and made a big point......VISUALLY. In this case, a picture was worth well in excess of a thousand words. It made you think.

Kudos to the Western Dairy Association for understanding the power of the picture, the visual, in making their point.

It's also the kind of thing we do in helping you share your news about your product or organization. Talking heads are easy to come by. Good visuals require planning based on experience.

The type of experience we bring to you with 30 years in journalism and corporate communications.

Visual. Always think Visual.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC

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