Monday, June 14, 2010

We now return to our regular programming.

I just took a week off for family. When I started this business, family and work were going to balance out with the tilt of the scales towards family. Although I'll be the first to admit that having our darling grandkids; aged two and five with us for five days is exhausting!

But it's time to get back to work building a business. We'll be announcing a new strategic partner shortly, it's a partnership that's literally been over 20 years in the making and I'm excited about it.

We've tweaked our website here at Conversation Starters to include our new logo. I like the changes.

This morning I shot video at Centennial Airport for Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum as they wrap up the visit of the Experimental Aircraft Association's restored WWII B-17 Bomber, Aluminum Overcast. This is my second opportunity to work with this magnificent aircraft. The focus of the video will include the aircraft of course, but also the many volunteers that make such an experience possible.

Tomorrow afternoon is my first meeting with the Business Leaders for Responsible Government Committee of the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce. I'm looking forward to this opportunity to meet with government leaders, and potential leaders and to ask the tough (but fair) questions to make sure our government is accountable to "We the People."

So it's back to work, back to Twitter and hopefully securing new clients.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC

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