Monday, June 28, 2010

Taking Wing with Wings over the Rockies

Those of you living near Centennial Airport might have heard or seen the distinctive sound and sight of a WWII B-17 Bomber earlier this month during "Denventure 2010." Owned by the Experimental Aircraft Association, "Aluminum Overcast" is a living reminder to all the incredibly brave air crews who flew the B-17, also known as the Flying Fortress, on missions to Germany. Thousands never came back, paying the supreme sacrifice to defeat the evil of the Nazis.

The appearance was hosted by Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum. Located at the old Lowry Air Base, it's home to some 3 dozen military and civilian aircraft plus numerous other displays and a fantastic education department dedicated to getting the next generation of pilots interested in flight.

You might be surprised that the museum does all this work and more with just ten full-time employees. It's volunteers who donate thousands of hours of time, simply for the love of aviation and to hang around airplanes who make it all possible.

My contribution for the most part, is capturing their efforts on video. Enjoy this look back at Denventure, some of the fine displays and activities for all ages and of course, Aluminum Overcast.

If you'd like to know more about volunteering, click here.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We get the conversation started about you!"

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