Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can one great Apple spoil the barrel?

A story that didn't get much attention yesterday, should have. It involved Apple. (Disclosure-I own Apple Stock)

Shares dropped $15 because of a RUMOR that Apple's COO Tim Cook was leaving the company. The story turned not NOT to be true. The stock rebounded and the sun rose this morning.

But a market that moves on rumor instead of fact is a dangerous one, especially for investors who live along Main Street USA. In the above-mentioned story, writer Vincent Fernando, CFA makes the point that should a powerful and major market presence like Apple take a hit based on rumor, it could drag the rest of the market down with it.

The issue isn't the strength of Apple, it's sitting on $50 Billion in cash and has a ton of great products in the pipeline (when doesn't it?) including a new generation iPad next spring. (It will have a camera and USB port-HOORAY!)

But to my original point, when Wall Street has a tizzy based on rumor, it's bad for us here on Main Street. That's wrong.

Is anyone in charge?

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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