Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Marketing and the Zac Brown Band

This past Friday I took part in a session on Social Media Marketing with a special "Meet-up" group that is part of the South Metro Denver Area Chamber of Commerce. Everyone knows about Social Media, many don't know how to execute it or whether it's right for their business. It was a good discussion.

Last night we attended the Zac Brown Band concert at Red Rocks. To be honest, we left around 11pm and the band was still going strong almost three hours into their show. I wish the concert had proceeded the Meet-up because I would have had a great case study on the use of Social Media to share with my colleagues.

Prior to the band taking the stage, there were announcements on the big-screen monitors letting fans know the show would be streamed live on the band's website and to share the link with their friends.

PDA's and cell phones came flying out of thousands of pockets with people texting or posting the link on Facebook and Twitter. It was the next best thing to being there.

What the band did, was make use of their fanatic fan base as brand ambassadors. They knew what companies like Ford and other corporate giants know, that their customers are their best ambassadors for the brand. When Ford launched their re-designed Explorer, they launched it on Facebook.

So what about your small business on Main Street? Get yourself a Flip-Cam and the next time a customer says kind things about your product or service, ask them if they'd mind saying it on camera. Then post it on YouTube. If they're a little shy, offer them a discount coupon the next time they visit your store.

It's incredibly easy to post videos on YouTube and other social networking sites, and it doesn't have to be fancy. Good enough, is just that, good enough. Once you have the video up, post the link to your own website. Build a video gallery of customer testimonials.

If it works for the Zac Brown Band and Ford, it can work for you.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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