Monday, September 27, 2010

Absolute Zero.

Did you know there's a limit to how cold it can get? Scientists say the maximum lowest temperature possible is -459º Fahrenheit. It's known as "Absolute zero."

Congress has reached the political equivalent. Last Friday Stephen Colbert testified before a congressional committee about immigration. Why he was there had both Republican and Democrats scratching their heads. For the record, Colbert was invited by Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren.

Members of both parties say the Comedy Central Star's appearance was a mockery of Congress. Actually, Congress made a mockery of itself. Please don't confuse this with any partisan politics. Both parties have had a hand in bringing the once august body to its lowest approval ratings ever. Almost near zero. Absolute zero.

Congressional hearings cost $100,000 per hour. It would have been far cheaper to have everyone watch Colbert on their office televisions. It would have been far more productive for our elected "representatives" to spend time on more pressing issues.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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