Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some "Fresh" air in 2010 Campaign

Let me start out by saying none of the below is in anyway meant to endorse any particular candidate. You're all smart enough to make your own decisions.

We've all seen/heard political attack ads, highly produced with a stern announcer accusing the opposition of, well, pure evil. Sometimes it's the candidate's campaigns themselves, often times various groups with positive sounding names with messages that are anything but.

It's why I'm encouraged by a couple of campaigns where things are decidly opposite of the traditional political wisdom that attack, attack, attack is the way to run a campaign.

In the Colorado 6th Congressional District, Democrat John Flerlage is running against incumbant Republican Mike Coffman. Both are Marines. I've had the opportunity to listen to, and ask questions of both at forums sponsored by the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce. In both cases, neither even mentioned the other's name. They simply laid out their agendas and answered often tough but fair questions. They talked about issues important to everyone in the audience and offered their ideas and solutions.

If anyone knows about attacking, it's Marines. But in this case, civility is the rule. I applaud both Coffman and Flerlage for thinking about what's best for me and my family, instead of attacking each other.

Meanwhile, Denver Mayor and Democrat John Hickenlooper is running for Governor. He has one ad which makes fun of attack ads. In the spots he says that everytime he sees or hears one he feels like taking a shower. Which in the ad, he promptly does, over and over again.

Funny and to the point. Good for him.

The political process in our country, to be blunt, stinks. If ever there was a time for civility, a need for the best interests of the American People, it's now. Candidates that spend more time talking about what's best for America, and not throwing mud, just might get elected.

It's worth a try.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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