Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We'll always have Paris.

Remember in the movie "Casablanca" where Rick says to Ilsa, "We'll always have Paris?" A great line from a classic film.

Today, sadly, it applies to Paris Hilton. We'll always have Paris. The question is why? At a news seminar sometime ago, the question of what makes the lead story came up. A response from a panelist was telling. He said it's whatever the producer decides it is.

Truer words were never spoken.

Paris Hilton's only skill appears to be capitalizing on too many of those producers. Flipping around some news channels this morning, I learned that Paris Hilton was denied entry into Japan because of her many drug busts, the most recent being in Las Vegas.

Actually they buried the lead. The story should be why can't we be as smart as Japan and deny her entry into the United States? She's a serial law-breaker. Kudos to casino mogul Steve Wynn for at least denying her entry into his hotels. It's a start.

Did you hear the joke about Hilton Hotels offering Paris $10 million to change her last name to Motel 6? I wish some producers would change the subject to news of interest, of impact and importance to us living on Main Street. If you do need your Paris fix, just go to They do a great job on this sort of stuff.

But for now, we're stuck with Paris. Oops, I have to go. There's a high speed chase, live on TV. Paris is bumped to page 2.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

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