Monday, September 13, 2010

Here's to old friends.

(L-R) Brian Olson, Senator Al Simpson, Gov. Mike Sullivan, Ronda Olson
(Photo: Brea Olson)

A great weekend in Austin, TX was capped off my a surprise encounter with some very respected friends from Wyoming. We were touring the LBJ Presidential Library at the University of Texas-Austin prior to the Texas-Wyoming game. One of the terrific exhibits is a recreation of the Oval Office. We noticed some familiar faces, Senator Alan Simpson (Ret) and Governor Mike Sullivan (Ret) of Wyoming.

When I was News Director at KGWN-TV in Cheyenne from 1986-1994 it was my good fortune to cover and get to know both these gentlemen. Simpson is a Republican, Sullivan a Democrat. That doesn't mean a lot in Wyoming where elected officials put their constituents first and their personal ambitions second. We need more of that these days. A lot more.

Simpson continues to serve the nation. He is co-chairing the Debt Reduction Commission. Let's hope Washington listens. Governor Sullivan went on to serve as Ambassador to Ireland. Both were frequent visitors to the real Oval Office. So far in life I'll have to settle for the museum version.

Seeing both again was a highlight of a great day in Texas, and a reminder that good and decent public servants still exist. You just have to find them, or at least run into them when you least expect it!

Have a great week ahead everyone.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

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