Friday, December 10, 2010

Death AND Taxes a Bad Mix.

The Friday "Op-Ed"

Taxes are the talk of Washington these days. When aren't they? But a particular odorous part of the debate is the so-called "Death Tax." Its when you pass on to your reward and those who inherit your estate pay taxes on it.

Regardless of size, your estate was built on hard word. You earned money, on which you were taxed. You invested it, or purchased real estate etc, on which you were taxed again.

We need to pay taxes. It's how we pay to keep the roads paved and police on the beat. But at a certain point, enough is enough. But getting taxed from the grave is just plain wrong.

There are more than a few in Washington who believe it's only "fair" to tax your descendants when they inherit what you worked for, and payed taxes on during your lifetime. When challenged by a news anchor about the fairness of it all, Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-New York) said it doesn't matter.

"They'll be dead," was his response.

If you wonder why so many family owned businesses end up not being family owned, this is the reason. Taxing something that has already been taxed over and over again, defies reason. Reason enough, at the very least, to cut the "death" tax rather than increase it even more.

Junk it all together makes the most sense.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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