Monday, December 20, 2010

Gifts Ideas That Make a Difference.

The gift scramble is on. Everyone is making a final check of their list before the last minute dash to malls and department stores. So what's on your list? I'd like to make some suggestions for gifts that will have a genuine and positive impact on people's lives. You may never meet them, but your heart will know. It's a grand feeling.

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado. We hear so much being reported about declining graduation rates from high school. No diploma, no ticket to college. Not so at Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado where all kids not only graduate from high school, but usually get their college degree in four years. All these terrific kids need is a little help from you. Meet some of them here.

Jeffco Action Center. The Action Center helps good people in so many great ways. The food bank provides four TONS of food each day. There's help for clothing, emergency shelter, rent assistance, medical help and counseling. Who are the people being helped? You'd be surprised. They could be your neighbor. Listen to Nancy's Story.

Bonfils Blood Center. Only 4% of eligible donors actually give blood here in Colorado. 4%. Giving blood is easy, takes less than an hour and saves some one's life. The demand is especially large during the holidays and donors just the opposite. Think about it, it costs nothing but a bit of your time and saves a life. What better gift?

Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum. If you've never been to Wings over the Rockies you're missing something special. It's a place where you can touch the planes, heck, you can even sit in many of them on Open Cockpit days. Museum memberships are very affordable and the gift store is a terrific place to shop for the aviation enthusiast on your list. The museum has a huge commitment to aerospace education for the next generation of pilots, engineers and astronauts to help us return to the stars. The last person to walk on the moon, Astronaut Gene Cernan talked about just that.

Air Medical Memorial. Over three-hundred crew members of emergency medical air missions have lost their lives in the line of duty. The Air Medical Memorial will honor their sacrifice. Each and every day they take to the air to bring people to hospitals from crashes and disasters, and they save time and lives doing so. We rarely hear about them. Your donation can honor them in a most fitting way.

Gifts that give. I hope you consider any or all of the above.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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