Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor a Must-See When In Hawaii

Today marks the 69th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. December 7, 1941. A day which President Franklin Roosevelt described as a "day of infamy." It marked the entrance of the United States into World War II which already had been raging in Europe.

Should your travels take you to Hawaii, especially Honolulu, you owe it to yourself and those who both died and survived that day to tour both the Arizona Memorial and the USS Missouri. (BB-63) The Arizona took a direct hit down one of her smokestacks and sunk with much of the crew trapped below decks. Just down from the memorial built above the sunken ship is the Missouri, where the war officially ended in August of 1945. My late father-in-law was aboard the Missouri when the Japanese surrendered in Tokyo Bay.

We recently returned to Pearl Harbor and toured the Missouri. Here's a video tour in two parts:

Sadly, very few of those who made it through that day of infamy remain with us today. It's my hope you someday get to visit Pearl Harbor. You feel the history when you're there and you'll never forget your visit.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you" (And keep memories alive)

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