Sunday, December 12, 2010

Perception is Reality

One of the things I learned a long time ago in the news biz, is that perception is reality. It's not the story. It's how it's perceived. The viewer's perception is their reality.

A pretty good example of all this came last Friday in a rather extraordinary news conference at the White House. Putting a full court press on resolving the whole tax issue, President Obama brought in former President Bill Clinton to help sell the deal to rebellious Democrats.

Then this happened.

THE President bailed and the FORMER President stayed on at the White House Podium aka "The Bully Pulpit" fielding national policy issues. Deja Vu all over again. Clinton was in his element and Obama was heading to the residence. Clinton played on, and on despite efforts by Bob Gibbs to give him the hook.

Reaction from pundits ranged from shock and no small amount of awe to politics as unusual.

But the image of a sitting President leaving the room and leaving things to a former President who knows how to work a room as good as Reagan or Roosevelt ever did was a stunner. At least that was my perception and therefore my reality.

Ultimately it may be no big deal. Folks living along Main Street are getting ready for Christmas while worried about paying for it. Maybe we're all to pre-occupied to have even noticed. Again, just my perception.

What's yours?

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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