Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

Another year has past. We here at Conversation Starters Public Relations are happy to still be Conversation Starters Public Relations! Some say this was the worst kind of economic environment to start a small business.

We disagree.

Business schools a generation from now will look back at this time and see it as a "Entrepreneurial Revolution." A time when people figured out how to get it done, to toss away the old business models and build new ones. We need banks but are not beholden to them. We need government but we're not going to allow it to tell us how to run our businesses. It's the businesses on Main Street USA that will lead the economic recovery.

We are here to stay.

Happy New Year!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you" (And will continue doing so in 2011)

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