Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Obama takes it to the street. Main Street.

Local political reporter Adam Schrager of KUSA 9NEWS had a one-on-one interview this week with President Obama. One of several the President is conducting with local reporters to pitch his economic message.

I don't know about the other reporters who got the invitation, but Adam is a terrific journalist. I know him personally and professionally. What ever his political views may be, they aren't evident in his reporting. Frankly, I hope to see him hosting "Meet the Press" some day.

The President made a good decision reaching out to reporters who practice their craft on Main Street USA. As viewers we connect far better with our local reporters than those who live in the isolated and pampered world of Washington and New York. The DC political reporting scene is incestuous. After hours, reporters and political types mingle at the same cocktail parties and soirees.

Not so much here at home. No limos for reporters like Adam. He drives himself to work.

So it was good to see a reporter I respect sit down with the President of the United States. Obama was on message, but I paid far more attention because I respected the reporting about what he said.

Thank you Adam. Thank you Mr. President.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you" (And enjoy listening to other conversations)

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