Wednesday, December 8, 2010

For Your "Colorado Gives" Consideration

Today is a big day for giving and receiving, all part of the "Colorado Gives" campaign. If you want to make a difference in a number of Colorado-based non-profits, today is your day.

I'd like to recommend two for your consideration:

1. Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado. They just signed on as one of our clients, and provide terrific educational opportunities for kids from tough circumstances who just need a stable living and learning environment to succeed. ALL go on to college, the huge majority graduating in four years. Meet the kids.

2. Jeffco Action Center. Wow, what doesn't the Action Center do? From food and clothing to those who need it most, to emergency shelter, counseling and medical services, the team at the Action Center gets it done. The demand is huge. The food bank alone gives out 4 tons of food each day. The clients just could be your neighbors, you just don't know it. Here's just one success story.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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