Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Amazon has its head in the Cloud.

Someone asked me recently what the heck "Cloud Computing" is. I told them it's like throwing a huge party, at someone else's house. All the fun without the mess and very little cost.

BusinessWeek has a great article about Cloud Computing by Ashlee Vance. Vance makes the point that Cloud Computing is now living up to all the hype.

It wasn't that long ago if you has a project that needed huge amounts of computing power you'd have to invest millions of dollars in infrastructure, staff, servers and power for it all. Now, as Vance points out, all you need is an Amazon gift card.

Companies like Amazon now rent out their own enormous computer capacity to businesses that only need it once in awhile, often at pennies per hour. Companies like Google and Microsoft are getting into what is going to be a very competitive business.

Where there's competition, there's value for consumers both big and small. Even if you're not a Zynga or Northrop Grumman, you can still use the cloud. It can be something as outsourcing your ever growing data storage needs. Got the next great idea? As long as you have a computer and access to the cloud, all the computer processing power in the world, literally, is just a few key strokes away. You use as much or as little as you need.

So in this case, instead of getting your head out of the clouds, it's best to do just the opposite.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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