Wednesday, March 16, 2011

That one image...

When major events, good or bad happen, there's always one powerful image that seems to tell the story. It's the classic "One picture is worth a thousand words" to the power of 10. This picture to the left of a house floating miles out in the ocean is the one so far, that has brought the enormity of what happened in Japan home to me.

One house, miles out to sea, anywhere than where it should be. I don't know who lived there, but someone did. It was a place for family gatherings and parties. A place to come home to after work or school. Home.

Not anymore. An earthquake followed by a Tsunami changed all that. So this one house, part of a once likely peaceful and happy neighborhood, now floats miles away in a huge ocean surrounded by nothing. One small symbol of an event that there are simply no adjectives to fully describe.

One image. One event.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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