Wednesday, March 2, 2011

News is what's new. Sheen isn't news.

I don't know about you, but the sheen is rapidly coming off this whole Charlie Sheen thing. Frankly I don't care about how he lives his life. It's his business.

What's becoming very annoying is not being able to escape the incessant coverage of how he lives his life. I'm an early riser and within in moments of tuning in the local news at 5:30am I learned that Charlie now has 670-thousand followers on Twitter. Despite switching from channel to channel, local and national, it was all Charlie all the time.

I thought that's what was for? You know, if you're interested in this sort of thing, you have a place to go to. But the media has taken that choice away from me.

Having made the news sausage at one time in my career, I understand at least partly why. NBC and ABC are all over it because it's a chance for them to slam CBS which airs "Two and a Half Men" under the guise of news. Pretty sneaky huh?

Local stations struggle to fill gigantic multi-hour news blocks and Charlie coverage is easy. Cut, paste and air. Plus you also fill air time when the anchors giggle or shake their heads.

Impactful stuff. Meaningful on Main Street.

My news writing mentor Merv Block, who used to write for Uncle Walter taught me "News is what's new." Hollywood "celebs" self-destructing isn't news. So please, can at least one news outlet NOT cover the life and times of Charlie Sheen? I'd like to tune in

Thank you.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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