Monday, March 7, 2011

Never on a Sunday. Almost.

Those of a certain age may recall the film, "Never on a Sunday." No it wasn't about the Broncos recent record but the story of a lady practicing the world's oldest profession, who drew the line at conducting business on Sundays.

Immersed as I am with social media during the week, and often Saturdays I'm trying to take a break from it all on Sundays. One can sit in front of a computer screen, iPad or PDA just so much. This past Saturday I was shopping with my family and checked my PDA at least 3-4 times.

Why? Habit.

So yesterday I began the process of weaning myself from the constant barrage of information available to me each and every second. Other than a morning check of online news on my laptop, that was about it. The hardest part was not checking my PDA, which I did several times. Again, habit. But I'll work on that more moving forward. If someone truly wants to get a hold of me they can always call. If I'm traveling some place on Monday, I'll check the weather.

Never on a Sunday, well almost. It's kind of a nice break. Just one day from being "connected." I survived just fine.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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