Monday, March 21, 2011

Quotes O' the Day

A couple of interesting quotes from the current issue of Businessweek Magazine.

This first is the lead in an article by Brendan Greeley about Nuclear Power in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

"Nuclear accidents like Japan's are scary. So is a future without nuclear power." If that doesn't get you to read on, nothing will. Good journalism. (I just started to follow him on Twitter)

Now this one from rocker Jon Bon Jovi originally published in the Sunday Times of London.

"Steve Jobs is personally responsible for killing the music business."

Say what? If it wasn't for iTunes, I wouldn't have purchased a tenth of the music I own, listen to and subsequently buy more of. And this hurts the music

The good and the bad this Tuesday.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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