Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to get TONS of free coverage.

OK, did I get your attention? About the best way I know of to get tons of free coverage is to be Apple or IKEA.

What got me thinking about this is the new sign that just went up at the new IKEA store being built in Centennial, CO. The darn thing is almost a hundred feet high. You can see it from Kansas. IKEA got tons of local and regional coverage just because they put it up!

What made it newsworthy besides being IKEA and HUGE is that Centennial city ordinances prohibit signs taller than about 30 feet. Unless of course, you're IKEA. When you bring a store that big, and employ hundreds of people, the skids get greased quickly at city hall.

We all know all Apple has to do to get gobs of coverage, all of it free, is simply to hint at a new product coming down the pipeline.

Both businesses do buy traditional advertising, but you'd be hard pressed to come up with any others who get the free publicity they get simply for doing what they do.

What they do, and figured out a long time ago, is to provide products and service that are unique, that stand out, that are truly one of a kind. It's what makes them Apple and IKEA and everyone else, "not exactly."

Easier said that done, but it can be done.

So there you have it, all you need to know to get tons of free advertising. If you need extra help, contact us.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations

"We start the conversation about you" (Unless your IKEA or Apple)

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