Friday, March 4, 2011

What's that Square Doo-Hickey?

So what the heck is that square, blotchy thing? They're popping up everywhere.

It's called a "QR Code." QR stands for "Quick Response" and in this digital world quick is cool, make that mandatory.

Here's how they work: You basically download an app to your smart phone, then use your camera function to scan the QR Code and you are provided information about any number of products or services.

As Don Reisinger writes in CNET News, the technology has been around for quite some time in Japan, but relatively new here. But it's here and here to stay. Reisinger offers up some of the best apps to help you use QR codes.

They're worth a try because you'll be seeing more and more of these at trade shows, places where you shop etc. Scan, learn, connect. Pretty cool.

Don't be square, check out the square.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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