Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are we so connected we're alone?

Sherry Turkle writes in her new book, "Alone Together," that technology may be changing our lives for the worst. The MIT Prof and clinical psychologist writes "Our networked life allows us to hide from each other."

In a review of the book by Michael Rosenwald in Bloomberg Businessweek, he has this great quote: "Face-to-face connections have been reduced to 140 character tweets."

At least one wireless service provider has picked up on the theme with one commercial showing a girl breaking up with her boyfriend via mobile device while sitting across the table from him. Another spot has a mother breaking the news that grandma and grandpa are moving in via text, with all of them sitting together at the dining table.

OK, a bit of a stretch. But are we becoming addicted to social media to the point of being anti-social? comScore reports 30% of us check in on Facebook while in the bathroom. Getting an info dump while-uh-taking a....never mind.

Last night four of us were gathered together watching American Idol. Sort of. Between us there was an iPad, iPod Touch, Laptop and iPhone all in use at the same time.

Tap Tap Tap. A whole new cottage industry may evolve dealing with Carpel Tunnel Thumb Syndrome. Way, way back in the day a singer named Gilbert O'Sullivan sang a song called "Alone again, Naturally."

He might revive his career with a reprise entitled, "Alone again, Digitally."

A real thumb tapper for sure.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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