Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cheers for!

Just want to share this message received today from Conversation Starters has been proud to help in the launch of this wonderful resource for chemotherapy patients, their caregivers and health care providers.

Not having cancer is akin to not being in a car accident. Today. But what about tomorrow? We know, we've lived and survived the experience at our house.

Thanks to everyone who has supported in our effort to win a Pepsi Refresh Grant. Our work is just beginning.

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald
Nothing ever prepares someone for a cancer diagnosis. But patients can be better prepared for what comes next, which often includes chemotherapy with a website like We would like to thank you for your daily votes, patience and understanding with the emails, texts, messages and barrage of information to get the word out about chemo101 and Pepsi Refresh in September. Here's the good worked! We have almost 200 followers
now on Twitter, we have had 130+ join the chemo101 group on Linked-in, and almost 100 people joined us on the chemo101 Facebook, yes- the word got out thanks to all your hard work! THANK YOU!!
Not winning the Pepsi Refresh Grant this month will not slow down our progress. We are tracking towards our chemo101 beta site to be launched within the next 4-6 weeks, we have market research surveys and events going on now, and we will be formalizing our Board of Directors for the non-profit arm of Chemo101 within the next 2-3 weeks. So look forward to being the first group to get the update email announcement about our upcoming launch date for Chemo101!!
"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so." Belva Davis

Thanks for your support, your votes and spreading the word.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can one great Apple spoil the barrel?

A story that didn't get much attention yesterday, should have. It involved Apple. (Disclosure-I own Apple Stock)

Shares dropped $15 because of a RUMOR that Apple's COO Tim Cook was leaving the company. The story turned not NOT to be true. The stock rebounded and the sun rose this morning.

But a market that moves on rumor instead of fact is a dangerous one, especially for investors who live along Main Street USA. In the above-mentioned story, writer Vincent Fernando, CFA makes the point that should a powerful and major market presence like Apple take a hit based on rumor, it could drag the rest of the market down with it.

The issue isn't the strength of Apple, it's sitting on $50 Billion in cash and has a ton of great products in the pipeline (when doesn't it?) including a new generation iPad next spring. (It will have a camera and USB port-HOORAY!)

But to my original point, when Wall Street has a tizzy based on rumor, it's bad for us here on Main Street. That's wrong.

Is anyone in charge?

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Monday, September 27, 2010

Absolute Zero.

Did you know there's a limit to how cold it can get? Scientists say the maximum lowest temperature possible is -459ยบ Fahrenheit. It's known as "Absolute zero."

Congress has reached the political equivalent. Last Friday Stephen Colbert testified before a congressional committee about immigration. Why he was there had both Republican and Democrats scratching their heads. For the record, Colbert was invited by Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren.

Members of both parties say the Comedy Central Star's appearance was a mockery of Congress. Actually, Congress made a mockery of itself. Please don't confuse this with any partisan politics. Both parties have had a hand in bringing the once august body to its lowest approval ratings ever. Almost near zero. Absolute zero.

Congressional hearings cost $100,000 per hour. It would have been far cheaper to have everyone watch Colbert on their office televisions. It would have been far more productive for our elected "representatives" to spend time on more pressing issues.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dagwood Bumstead on Health Care Reform

This isn't a commentary about health care reform, like you I really have no idea how this will impact us all in the short and long term. But I got a kick of this morning's edition of Blondie.

Dagwood nailed it. Our best "option" is simple: Stay healthy.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Friday, September 24, 2010

BEVO Blog: What's the spread?

I belong to a fun football pool, fun because our team won it last year and we're quickly making our way back to the top after a dismal first week.

It's all about the spread. Although it's not a "pool rule" itself, a certain member of our team doesn't allow voting against Texas, regardless of the spread which Texas often times has a difficult time beating. Last week was a nice exception. This week the spread is 15 1/2 over visiting UCLA which I think the 'Horns will beat. Their defense is awesome and UCLA coach Ricki Neuheisal is a weasel. The "Weasel" factor means a lot. Really.

Other games of interest include the match-up between Air Force and Wyoming in Laramie, specifically Jonas Field at War Memorial Stadium presented by Taco John's or something along those lines. It's always a great game and full of tradition. Air Force has been riding high, if not in the win column but they're taking on some big teams and fighting them hard. Wyoming in a word, stinks. Their coach agrees. But something tells me that Wyoming will beat the 12 1/2 point spread, and might even win.

Another team that just could be surprised is Boise State. While they're playing in the blue, blue fields of home, Oregon State is my pick to beat the spread if not win. It would be a huge upset and at the same time be of great relief to the yahoos that run the BCS.

One final note: I just found out today that John Hamm who brilliantly plays Don Draper in the AMC Series "Madmen" is a Texas-Ex! He also played football in his native Missouri. Yet another reason to love Madmen.

When, where and who is YOUR team playing? Click here.



Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

To 3D or not to 3D? The question is answered. For now.

This article caught my attention this morning. Apparently there's a bit of a glut of flat-screen televisions. That means great prices for you if you're in the market for one.

What wasn't in the news is 3D HDTV. A few months ago it was the rage, at least in the trade media if not customer showrooms. When was the last time you saw an ad for a 3D television? Or a promo on a network promoting it? I thought so.

I saw an 3D HDTV demo a few months ago showing a World Cup Soccer match. It was pretty cool. Two things held me back. I'm not in the market for a new television and the 3D glasses. At $150 a pop plus having to replace batteries every 20 hours or so is a no-sell and nonsense. As consumers, most of us aren't conditioned to buying added doo-dads when we buy a TV.

Then there's the question of how many sets of glasses do you buy? We've all broken eye glasses in our lives, just something else to break and replace. Again, there's the $150 tab. What if the batteries die in the middle of the Superbowl? Oops, remembered the drinks and snacks but forgot the extra batteries.

For want of a horse, the battle was lost. For the expense of the glasses, the 3D battle is lost. At least for now. When someone markets a 3D set that comes with glasses as convenient as those we get in theaters, the battle will be rejoined.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We'll always have Paris.

Remember in the movie "Casablanca" where Rick says to Ilsa, "We'll always have Paris?" A great line from a classic film.

Today, sadly, it applies to Paris Hilton. We'll always have Paris. The question is why? At a news seminar sometime ago, the question of what makes the lead story came up. A response from a panelist was telling. He said it's whatever the producer decides it is.

Truer words were never spoken.

Paris Hilton's only skill appears to be capitalizing on too many of those producers. Flipping around some news channels this morning, I learned that Paris Hilton was denied entry into Japan because of her many drug busts, the most recent being in Las Vegas.

Actually they buried the lead. The story should be why can't we be as smart as Japan and deny her entry into the United States? She's a serial law-breaker. Kudos to casino mogul Steve Wynn for at least denying her entry into his hotels. It's a start.

Did you hear the joke about Hilton Hotels offering Paris $10 million to change her last name to Motel 6? I wish some producers would change the subject to news of interest, of impact and importance to us living on Main Street. If you do need your Paris fix, just go to They do a great job on this sort of stuff.

But for now, we're stuck with Paris. Oops, I have to go. There's a high speed chase, live on TV. Paris is bumped to page 2.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We welcome Two Ten to the South Metro Biz Community!

We had the pleasure of attending the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce Red Ribbon Welcome to Two Ten located at Aspen Grove. It's a place to be, well, fabulous and because owner Tina Colburn is a Longhorn, we doubly recommend Two Ten!

As video is worth thousands of words, check it out for yourself!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Marketing and the Zac Brown Band

This past Friday I took part in a session on Social Media Marketing with a special "Meet-up" group that is part of the South Metro Denver Area Chamber of Commerce. Everyone knows about Social Media, many don't know how to execute it or whether it's right for their business. It was a good discussion.

Last night we attended the Zac Brown Band concert at Red Rocks. To be honest, we left around 11pm and the band was still going strong almost three hours into their show. I wish the concert had proceeded the Meet-up because I would have had a great case study on the use of Social Media to share with my colleagues.

Prior to the band taking the stage, there were announcements on the big-screen monitors letting fans know the show would be streamed live on the band's website and to share the link with their friends.

PDA's and cell phones came flying out of thousands of pockets with people texting or posting the link on Facebook and Twitter. It was the next best thing to being there.

What the band did, was make use of their fanatic fan base as brand ambassadors. They knew what companies like Ford and other corporate giants know, that their customers are their best ambassadors for the brand. When Ford launched their re-designed Explorer, they launched it on Facebook.

So what about your small business on Main Street? Get yourself a Flip-Cam and the next time a customer says kind things about your product or service, ask them if they'd mind saying it on camera. Then post it on YouTube. If they're a little shy, offer them a discount coupon the next time they visit your store.

It's incredibly easy to post videos on YouTube and other social networking sites, and it doesn't have to be fancy. Good enough, is just that, good enough. Once you have the video up, post the link to your own website. Build a video gallery of customer testimonials.

If it works for the Zac Brown Band and Ford, it can work for you.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Friday, September 17, 2010

BEVO Blog: Austin Weekend

Last weekend we had the good fortune to be in Austin, TX for the home opener between the 'Horns and the Pokes. Texas won 34-7 but it was the weekend itself that was most memorable. From cupcakes on Congress to meeting old friends in the Oval at the LBJ Library to eating mass amounts of "Q at the Salt Lick, it was a grand weekend.

Being a firm believer that a picture is worth often times more than a thousand words, here's a look back at a wonderful time.

Root for your team this weekend and HOOK'EM!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good Customer Service Ain't Brain Surgery.

When it comes to airline travel, service not size, matters. That's the point of this story from USAToday. It's no surprise that Southwest, JetBlue and Frontier top the list in customer satisfaction. The "Big" carriers like US Airways, United, Delta and American are at the bottom. Deservedly so. Old planes, cranky crews and money gouging.

I wasn't surprised. My wife and daughter recently flew Southwest and when I met them at baggage claim they raved about the customer experience. Certainly no charge for bags and the quick and efficient boarding process helped, but for them the flight itself was fun.

Southwest is known for often times humorous pre-flight announcements. I mean, how can you be serious when demonstrating to people how the seat belt works? Insert and click. It ain't brain surgery so why treat it as such?

During climb-out after takeoff the cabin crew started tossing snacks down the aisle. Passengers were urged to grab, share or pass further down the aisle.

When they taxied up to the gate, one cabin attendant kept passengers posted as to how close they were getting. "We're almost there....just a little bit more....just inches away...." then when the familiar "Ding" tone came when they were at the gate this announcement:


The next time you're at baggage claim, take a moment to listen if anyone is talking about the actual in-flight experience with enthusiasm. They're likely Southwest passengers.

Another thing that makes Southwest stand out is they make a profit year-in and year-out. There are lots of reasons for that, not the least of which is they're a well-managed airline. They fly the same type of aircraft fleet-wide, have mastered efficiency and marketing and most of all they understand the most basic of business principles: Good Customer Service.

What a concept. You are now free to move about the country.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best to keep your pants on

"A lie gets half-way around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on"-Winston Churchill.

Sir Winston had a way with words, and while he said this during a decidly analog time, it's worth remembering in this digital age where mis-information moves at the speed of light.

The great thing about the Internet is everyone has access to it. The bad thing about the Internet is everyone has access to it. Most importantly there is no fact-checking on the Internet.

All this came up in an interview I did this morning for an article about social media. Many people ask me how to get a CEO to sign-off on committing to social media. Frankly, if they don't the company will either go out of business, lose business or have a competitor using social media take it away from you.

If they don't buy into that argument, think in these terms. In this digital world and when a lie about you or your business is making its way around the world, think of social media as not taking your pants off in the first place.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Here's to old friends part two.

(With "Uncle Walter" at a Radio-Television-Digital News Association event in the 1990's)

When we went to the Austin, TX this past weekend the first order of business was the Texas-Wyoming game followed by eating enormous quantities of "Q at the Salt Lick. Mission accomplished.

It was a side trip however to the LBJ Presidential Library that provided both surprises and special memories. I blogged yesterday about meeting two old friends, Senator Alan Simpson (ret) and Governor Mike Sullivan (ret) of Wyoming.

The Presidential Library currently features an exhibit honoring legendary reporter and CBS News Anchor Walter Cronkite. Cronkite is a UT-Austin Alumnus, starting his legendary career in Austin. Cronkite was voted "The most trusted man in America" and reported on arguably the most important stories of the 20th century. When President Kennedy was assassinated, we turned to Walter Cronkite. From the Vietnam War to men first landing on the moon, it was the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite that was the newscast of record.

I was blessed to have known Walter Cronkite. It started when I was graduating from high school and sent him a letter asking for advice as to what courses to take in college to prepare for a career in journalism. I never thought he'd write back but he did.

Many years later, as a television news director, I was at an industry event in New York. Seated at the head table sitting next to Governor Mario Cuomo, I looked out on the crowd and saw Cronkite. I went over and introduced myself, finally having the opportunity to thank him personally for his letter and advice. I remarked it was him, and not me, who should be at the head table. He told me he was far happier to be out in the crowd. Typical Walter.

A few years later our paths crossed again at the Radio-Television-Digital News Association Paul White dinner where the picture at the top of the blog was taken. This time we both got to sit at the head table! A few years after that, Walter was visiting my station in Phoenix promoting his book, "A Reporter's Life" which he autographed for me along with the picture taken of us earlier.

Walter Cronkite was simply the most gracious and humble of men. He always knew he wasn't the story. He covered the story. That's the way it was for Walter Cronkite and should be today.

Here's a short video of just part of the wonderful exhibition at the LBJ Presidential Library.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

Monday, September 13, 2010

Here's to old friends.

(L-R) Brian Olson, Senator Al Simpson, Gov. Mike Sullivan, Ronda Olson
(Photo: Brea Olson)

A great weekend in Austin, TX was capped off my a surprise encounter with some very respected friends from Wyoming. We were touring the LBJ Presidential Library at the University of Texas-Austin prior to the Texas-Wyoming game. One of the terrific exhibits is a recreation of the Oval Office. We noticed some familiar faces, Senator Alan Simpson (Ret) and Governor Mike Sullivan (Ret) of Wyoming.

When I was News Director at KGWN-TV in Cheyenne from 1986-1994 it was my good fortune to cover and get to know both these gentlemen. Simpson is a Republican, Sullivan a Democrat. That doesn't mean a lot in Wyoming where elected officials put their constituents first and their personal ambitions second. We need more of that these days. A lot more.

Simpson continues to serve the nation. He is co-chairing the Debt Reduction Commission. Let's hope Washington listens. Governor Sullivan went on to serve as Ambassador to Ireland. Both were frequent visitors to the real Oval Office. So far in life I'll have to settle for the museum version.

Seeing both again was a highlight of a great day in Texas, and a reminder that good and decent public servants still exist. You just have to find them, or at least run into them when you least expect it!

Have a great week ahead everyone.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dateline: Austin TX.

We're off to Austin, TX this afternoon for a busy weekend of eating, shopping, watching tomorrow's game between TEXAS and the Wyoming Cowboys and remembering Ungarski.

Last year these two teams played up in Laramie where the Pokes welcomed the 'Horns to 7200 feet, which Texas graciously accepted.

Now it's time to welcome UW to the house that Bevo built. Lower altitude, more humidity and about 60-thousand more fans.

The Pokes led at the half last year, but Texas plays the full 60 minutes. Just ask Nebraska.

The pre-game will be extra special, honoring a fallen Cowboy (can't wait to hear the Show Band of the South West play Cowboy Joe) and of course, honoring those lost on 9-11.

There are some terrific games this weekend including:
#17 Florida State at #10 Oklahoma
#12 Miami (FL) at #2 Ohio State
#18 Penn State at #1 Alabama and....
Austin Peay at Middle Tennessee. (Hey, they have fans too!)

There already have been some upsets, and there likely will be more Saturday. It's the excuse we're using for being LAST in our college football pool. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

College Football. The greatest game on earth. Enjoy!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some "Fresh" air in 2010 Campaign

Let me start out by saying none of the below is in anyway meant to endorse any particular candidate. You're all smart enough to make your own decisions.

We've all seen/heard political attack ads, highly produced with a stern announcer accusing the opposition of, well, pure evil. Sometimes it's the candidate's campaigns themselves, often times various groups with positive sounding names with messages that are anything but.

It's why I'm encouraged by a couple of campaigns where things are decidly opposite of the traditional political wisdom that attack, attack, attack is the way to run a campaign.

In the Colorado 6th Congressional District, Democrat John Flerlage is running against incumbant Republican Mike Coffman. Both are Marines. I've had the opportunity to listen to, and ask questions of both at forums sponsored by the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce. In both cases, neither even mentioned the other's name. They simply laid out their agendas and answered often tough but fair questions. They talked about issues important to everyone in the audience and offered their ideas and solutions.

If anyone knows about attacking, it's Marines. But in this case, civility is the rule. I applaud both Coffman and Flerlage for thinking about what's best for me and my family, instead of attacking each other.

Meanwhile, Denver Mayor and Democrat John Hickenlooper is running for Governor. He has one ad which makes fun of attack ads. In the spots he says that everytime he sees or hears one he feels like taking a shower. Which in the ad, he promptly does, over and over again.

Funny and to the point. Good for him.

The political process in our country, to be blunt, stinks. If ever there was a time for civility, a need for the best interests of the American People, it's now. Candidates that spend more time talking about what's best for America, and not throwing mud, just might get elected.

It's worth a try.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why support enters its second week in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge for a $250,000 grant to help launch the site as effective as possible. Think of as a "Future Shock-Shock Absorber" for chemotherapy patients, their caregivers and health care providers.

We're hanging in there on voting, but not near as high as we need to be to have a shot to win. Full details on how to vote are on the website. Just click the links.

Here's a video that best shows why your vote for Chemo101 is so important to so many people.

Not having cancer is like not being in a car accident today. But what about tomorrow? Please support with your votes every day through September 30.


Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Never Quit

This sage piece of advice was posted on Andrew Hudson's website today and I thought it worth sharing.


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

- Author unknown

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversation about you"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Why we love Colorado

Just got back from a wonderful weekend in the Wet Mountain Valley. Forgot my HD Cam (like a dork) but thank goodness for my Nano-Cam.

Happy Labor Day everyone!!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

Friday, September 3, 2010

BEVO Blog: Opening Weekend

It has begun. College football season. Already one surprise with Utah knocking off soon to be not #15 Pittsburgh.

The big match-up comes Monday Night, (Monday Night College Football?) when #3 Boise State plays #10 Virginia Tech. In our weekly pool, which we WON last year, I'm picking Virginia Tech to send Boise back to the blue, blue fields of Idaho. That said, if Boise State were to go undefeated this season they deserve a shot at the national championship.

While the NFL is great, College Football is where it's at. The students, the alumni and of course the teams and traditions are unique in sports. Mascots and marching bands. Wow. It's the happiest time of the year.

We're excited to journey to Austin next weekend for the Texas home opener against Wyoming. 'Q at the Salt Lick, a visit to the Co-op and then the game. HOOK'EM!!

As for this weekend, Rice, it's what's for dinner.

Enjoy the weekend and regardless of your favorite team, cheer them on and cheer them on loud.

And please take time to support for the Pepsi Refresh Grant. Make a difference!

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why you should support

Last night, Tammy Vigil of FOX31 KDVR in Denver did a wonderful profile piece about's efforts to win a coveted Pepsi Refresh Grant for "Refreshing ideas that change the world."

Most poignant are the words of cancer survivor Erika Hanson Brown.

Please, watch the story then go to Chemo101 for links to vote. You can vote every day through September 30. You can make a difference.

Thank you.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters LLC
"We start the conversations about you"