Thursday, February 24, 2011

A blanket, beans and rice.

We sponsor a young child in Tanzania. Her name is Aziza. We sponsor her through Compassion International which does such great work around the world. We just got a letter from Aziza talking about how she celebrated Christmas. We sent money to Compassion International to purchase the appropriate gifts for her, which were a blanket, beans and rice.

No, not a PS-3 or iPod. Not much use for that sort of thing for a young child in Tanzania. But a blanket keeps her warm, the beans and rice keep her fed. Compassion International helps with her education.

In her letter she asked about our Christmas. We won't mention gifts, just that we were so happy to be together with family. Whether you live in Tanzania or America, that's what counts the most

Along with keeping warm and having something to eat.

Ponder that.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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