Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Testing, click click, click, testing...

I'm conducting a Social Media "Boot Camp" tomorrow and will focus on four key social media tools; Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Blogging. I know, blogging tends to sound quaint these days but research shows it's a great tool for search regardless of whether or not anyone reads the darn thing. It's fresh content, and search loves all things fresh.

Two more on the list, and I'll be right with attendees in testing mode are a couple of new social media outlets called "Quora" and "Instagram."

Quora uses a Q&A format, and let's you drill down for subject matter of interest to you or a client. I just discovered Instagram while reading the current issue of Businessweek. As of now it's in official start-up mode. It has no revenue, four staffers (including founders) but 1.75 million users. Best of all it's free.

Instagram is an app for iPhone and Touch. It's a photography editing and sharing tool. Before you brush it off, they've got million in VC funding coming including investments by Benchmark Capital and more importantly, Jack Dorsey who helped found Twitter. Add Adam D'Angelo who founded Quora to the list. Synergy and Strategery?

I won't get into any more detail about either other than encouraging you to join me in trying both out. I think they have enormous potential and just could be the next two big things. Until the next big thing comes a long.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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