Thursday, February 17, 2011

Odds and Ends.

A couple of topics this morning, so here we go.

Watson wins the pennant! Watson wins the pennant!

In a case of man vs machine, machine wins. Big time. I think PC Magazine did a great job in its post game coverage. I love this quote: "Watson had become a personality. Viewer's marveled over the computer's quirky bet choices."

Kudos to Denver's 9News for updating their website. They've pioneered multiple information pipelines in the market place, but never rest on their laurels. The new site, viewed here purely as a consumer is clean, elegant and easy to seek out and find exactly what I'm looking for.

Denver is recognized around the nation as one of the best cities in broadcast journalism. Everyone in this town works very hard to bring you the news each day. Very, very hard.

As consumers, we all benefit.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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