Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cutting the Budget by not printing the Budget

Did you hear the new Federal Budget is out? It's all over the news. One of the frequently used pictures is what you see on the left, the budget bound and printed. No doubt at considerable expense.

Printed. How quaint. The whole PR campaign about the budget is how it's going to cut the deficit. They could have started by not printing the darn thing in the first place.

Couldn't it just be posted online and leave it at that? What a missed PR opportunity. Proving you're serious about saving, by actually doing just that. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, no picture might have been worth much more more.

Granted, the opposition would find a way to slam it, that's what the opposition does every year the new budget comes out regardless of party.

Budget management is all about sweating the small stuff. It's where you win or lose the budget battle. One way is not to print a bunch of unnecessary books.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you" (Mostly digital-saves you money)

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