Thursday, February 10, 2011

Move over Rupert

Many of you likely have heard about Newscorp's new electronic paper called the The Daily. Rupert Murdoch if anything else, is an innovator.

I've always found it wises to take a cue from people smarter than me so I just launched my own electronic daily; The Conversation Starters PR Daily. Like The Daily, I have a staff of hundreds providing customized content to my readers.

A couple of differences however; I have zero dollars invested in the paper (delivered twice daily) and my staff works for free! Some of you may be asking yourself, "Self, how does he do that?"


There's a terrific new social marketing website called Essentially it simply takes content provided by the people I follow on Twitter and automatically publishes it in a newspaper style format.

When you have multiple social media pipelines coming in with updated posts and tweets literally every second, this is a great way to organize it all. An even better way to share it with others.

So join me and Rupert and become E-Paper Moguls. Newscorp makes more money than I do, but I think I'm having just as much fun.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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