Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Man vs Machine for 200 Alex

Have you been watching "Watson" on Jeopardy? I have to admit I haven't watched the show in years, but we've been watching at our house as the tech behemoth takes on Jeopardy uber-champs and as of today, is kicking digital butt. (Other than that odd answer about Toronto instead of Chicago and some weird wagers.)

While being in the PR Business, my interest has been piqued about the computer itself and not the publicity. Watson in reality, is a room full of servers, racks and the hum of the air conditioning needed to keep Watson from going all "Hal" on us. Sort of like those monster machines IBM produced in the 50's. Today the PDA in your pocket has more computing power.
Watson is the follow-up to "Deep Blue" which took on Chess Grand Master Gary Kasparov and beat him. Now we have Watson which can, at least so far, master the type of thinking you need to impress Alex Trebek, eh?

So what use is a computer that can compete on a game show like Jeopardy? I'm guessing plenty and sooner than later all that computer power will be available in a tablet or even smaller device.

Now if I can just get that image/sound of Hal singing Daisy, Daisy....

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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