Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Are YOU Hungry. Are YOU Cold?

It's my privilege to serve on the Board of Directors of the Jeffco Action Center the past several years. At last night's meeting we got a report from the Program Services Team for December. The numbers tell the story.

  • Average clients needing help per day: 191.
  • 5,997 people provided 5 day supplies of food.
  • 43 Seniors picked up supplemental food commodities.
  • Worked with Walgreens to provide free flu shots to clients.
  • Toys provided for 4,366 children from 1,558 families via the "Santa Shop."
  • Almost 3,000 volunteer hours for holiday-related gift and food donations.
Now it's January and people still need help. The face of the "Needy" has changed greatly. So many of the clients could be your friends or neighbors. (Maybe they are) They're educated, well groomed and the victims of bad circumstances not of their creation.

The Action Center is just one of so many terrific agencies around the country making a difference. But they can only do so with your help. Just a dollar or one can of food can make a difference.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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