Thursday, January 27, 2011

SOTU TV Ratings. So what?

The television ratings are in for this week's State of the Union Address and they're the lowest of the three such speeches delivered by President Obama.

So less people are watching them on TV, but how might we otherwise be following the speech?

How about things like satellite radio? Or the Internet, or simply following coverage by reporters and pundits via Twitter, Facebook or running Blogs?

While less people may be watching in the traditional sense, more may be following along digitally. More importantly we can now interact with the coverage, no longer tied to what a small group of reporters and pundits report in what used to be a one-way line of communication.

Choice and interaction. The ability to listen and respond. A good thing for Democracy.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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