Wednesday, January 5, 2011

iPad + 99

According to Computer World it's raining tablets at this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. They predict almost a hundred tablet devices on display. A good number of them won't survive beyond the show.

For those not familiar with CES, it's about 88 football fields full of tech toys. Words can't describe the enormity of it all, although I just tried.

All these tablets are designed to take on the iPad and many have stuff the iPad doesn't like inputs and cameras. The iPad is expected to have these things when the rumored next generation iPad debuts in April.

We have an iPad at our house, and use it for work and play. We'll be among the first in line when the next generation model is on store shelves.

Many of the new tablets debuting at CES may indeed be better than the iPad. But consumers are a funny breed (I'm one of them) and need a compelling reason to switch to something new. Bells and whistles usually don't pass the "compelling" test. "Cool" does and the iPad is cool My daughter commented when she got hers and was at the airport, people kept on coming up to her and asking about the device. I experience the same thing when I pull it out at a meeting.

Back in the day when home video tape was the big thing (way back in the day) the competition was between two emerging technologies--Betamax and VHS. Technically Betamax was a far better format, But VHS won the day. It simply was better marketed and frankly, VHS rolled off the tongue better than its erstwhile competition.

So while you may need an umbrella at CES look for the iPad to remain the cool tablet device for 2011.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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