Friday, January 21, 2011

When all else fails, try Quality.

I was out clearing the snow off the driveway yesterday morning and realized while putting on my SOREL Boots I'd had the darn things for some 20 years. Granted I don't wear them every day, but when I'm out in the snow (which is a lot) in states like Wyoming and Colorado, they are what I wear.

20 years and in excellent condition. Cold, snow, slush. They just keep on ticking.

Quality is cool. In a world where obsolescence seems to be built into just about everything, especially electronics, it's nice to know my SOREL boots are good to go, likely for the rest of my life.

Of course, the argument could be made that if you buy a pair of boots that last a lifetime, you only buy one pair. But checking their website before writing this blog, I learned they make a wide variety of footwear including these "Slip" shoes that would be handy for going through airport security while traveling. Easy off, easy on.

Quality is a good thing. Whether it's products or service, it keeps customers coming back. Maybe for a lifetime. Make that very likely for a lifetime.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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