Friday, January 28, 2011

For what it's worth.

As I watch/hear about the rioting going on in Egypt I'm reminded of the classic song, "For what it's worth" by Buffalo Springfield.

There are indeed "Battle lines being drawn...."

Today's political "Vitriol" is nothing compared to what went on in this country in the 60's. Somehow a movement grew which ended a presidency without the Internet and Cell Phones.

As this whole mess started, one of the first moves of the Egyptian Government was to cut off all Internet and Cell service, along with outside television news. It won't work.

From what I've seen it appears Egypt is on the brink of a full blown revolution. The key word being "Seen." Images are everything and in this case, one of the focal points of protests is the Communications HQ of Egypt, which also happens to be where the International News Media is broadcasting from. It's where the images are coming from and they're powerful. To the point of Oil prices going up, and Wall Street prices going down.

Images from Egypt to images of how the rioting is impacting Wall Street and by extension Main Street, by events half a world away.

It's always about images. No matter how hard the government of Egypt tries to prevent those images going out, they can't stop them.

There is nothing more powerful than image, and it always finds a way out for better or for worse.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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