Monday, January 31, 2011


Super Bowl week is here. The NFL loves to use Roman Numerals to denote which one it is, this year it's XLV. That's 45 to us regular folks.

I was a field producer at Super Bowl XXX, aka 30, in Phoenix. It was the Steelers vs the Cowboys. (The latter won the game)

I hope everyone of you gets to go to at least one Super Bowl. Words just don't describe the pomp and circumstance surrounding the darn thing. As a field producer my day began at 5am and continued on through the next morning as we provided coverage, satellite services and interviews etc for clients here in the US and also FUJI Television in Japan.

The most fun and absolutely weirdest event is media day. Back then there were about 2500 credentialed media. I hear something like 5000 credentials have been issued this year. The huge majority are not journalist, just celebs and the like. 99% ask the same questions. It's a distraction for the players and not about news. It's all about hype.

Of course there are all the parties, but us poor slobs covering the event don't have time to attend them. We're lucky to even see the game itself.

For me the most memorable moment came before the game. The fly-over was a "Missing Man" formation. One of the pilots was the son of Francis R. (Dick) Scobee, commander of the Space Shuttle Challenger which exploded 25 years ago during launch. USAF Captain Richard Scobee led a flight of four F-16 fighters. As they flew over Sun Devil Stadium, he pulled back on the stick and soared straight upwards to the heavens, honoring his father in the most profound way.

More than a few of us shed more than a few tears.

Like most of you, I'll be watching the game from the comfort of a sofa, remembering I got to attend a Super Bowl but more than happy not to put in a 24 hour day doing so.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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