Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Jumping in Puddles in Heaven"

It's hard to remember a time when a President of the United States hasn't had to step up and comfort the nation. President Bush following 9-11, President Clinton after Oklahoma City, President Reagan after the Challenger Disaster. President Roosevelt's words after the attack on Pearl Harbor echo to this very day.

Add President Barack Obama to the list. I agree with this analysis of the speech.

He ultimately succeeded by focusing our attention on 9 year old Christina Green. Pure in thought and heart and love of life and country, who died because she chose to exhibit those qualities by attending the event that turned so tragic.

"Jumping in puddles in heaven." I can't write it without tearing up, just as I did when the President spoke those words.

Christina believed in something special. Let's not let her down.

Thank you Mr. President for making her a sterling example of all we can still be as people and a nation and why we must honor her legacy.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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