Friday, January 7, 2011

Endulge your inner "Top Gun"

Just in case you've never flown a fighter plane, the next best thing is sitting in one. If you'll be in the Denver area tomorrow, stop by Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum for the monthly "Open Cockpit Day."

At Wings over the Rockies, they don't keep the aircraft behind rope lines. You're encouraged to touch them, see them up close and once a month sit in many of them.

Among the planes you can sit in are the F-4 Phantom, B-58 Canberra and even a Lear Jet. Stop by cockpit alley and "Fly" the Wright Flyer or sit in the cockpits of a Boeing 727 or DC-10 Airliner.

Open cockpit hours run from 10am to 2pm. It's a great chance for all ages to sit in these terrific aircraft and also see the incredible variety of civil and military aircraft.

Get your wings on tomorrow at Wings over the Rockies. You can't miss it, there's a B-52 Bomber parked out front! (Don't forget your camera!)

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you" (And a little hangar flying tomorrow)

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