Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You Can Be Sick And Still Think

I just watched, how can I say this politely, an embarrassing segment on one of the networks speculating on Steve Jobs' health. The reporter is also a doctor and simply should have known better.

Jobs has taken a leave of absence from Apple to deal with health issues.

Jobs is fighting Pancreatic Cancer and has also had a liver transplant. He's a fierce business competitor and just as tough in fighting cancer. I did like what one analyst said about Jobs, describing him as a combination of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Sam Walton. Wow.

So now Jobs is taking care of his health. Regardless of sick he may, or may not be, doesn't mean he can't think. And it's his BRAIN that has made Apple what it is. Heck, I was at an Apple Store yesterday and the place was packed. Packed because the store sells wonderfully innovative products. Hip, cool and very useful.

As the spouse of a Stage IV Cancer survivor, I can attest that just because someone may be fighting any disease, the brain works just fine.

It's one of the many misperceptions people have about sick people, especially cancer patients, and it's just plain wrong.

Brian Olson
Conversation Starters Public Relations
"We start the conversation about you"

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